Saturday, October 29, 2005

Sacred Psychiatry

Sacred Psychiatry

In Kerala the mentally disturbed have a remarkable alternative to drugs and dungeon

It seems that there is a temple in Kerala, India which is credited with healing of lots of people with mental health problem.

You can read the article here

Vimanika Shastra - Does it indicate that we had UFOs thousands of years back

Vimanika Shastra is a Hindu Scripture which deals with art and science of flying and flying machines.

I came across its english translation here.

It makes an interesting read and does indicate that UFOs might not be an object of our imagination.

Friday, October 28, 2005

MS Office 12 - A Way for Microsoft to get into BI Market?

Looks like Office 12 is going to be real interesting as it might be the piece of zigsaw puzzle which Microsoft needs to gain a foothold in BI Market...

E-Week story is indicating it to be so...

Friday, October 21, 2005

PHP - It is gaining Momentum

PHP is gaining some mainstream traction as is evident by the recent speech made by Marc Andressen.

PHP 6 would be supporting Unicode and that should help its adoption.

Certainly, it is worth watching out for...

Monday, October 17, 2005

Good Primer on Attack Vectors and Worms

This is a good primer on Attack Vectos and Worms

Good Starting point to know about these things..